One Piece Chapter 1127: An Adventure In Elbaf Kingdom

 ⚡️ Coloring from One Piece Chapter 1127 #OnePiece. Full Spoilers provided by Redon

NOTE: Text spoilers are below, image version is linked above!

  • One Piece Chapter 1,127: 'Adventure in the Mysterious Land"

  • Ogre child Yamato's Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage, Vol. 15: "Yamato meets Inuarashi (who is Kuri Daimyo) at the shore. Inuarashi is also troubled by the kidnappings

  • Chapter starts in Elbaf, in a giant village whose houses are also made of LEGO-like blocks. Giants talk about the fire that suddenly started in the forest. They go to put out the fire so that it won't damage Yggdrasil tree.

  • We see the giants are shocked because there are giant bees fallen from the sky like if they were attacked by something. Another giants talk about something that happened in the forest.

Giant 1: "According to the people in the forest, the rumble just now is teh sound of "Ear God" falling to the ground..!!"


One Piece Manga 1127

Giant 2: "That can't be...!! How can something happen to a rabbit of the size!?"

  • Cut to the "Big Stein Castle", the LEGO-like castle where Nami is in (all castle is made of LEGO-like blocks, even trees around it). It seems the castle is located somewhere in Elbaf since we can see the Yggfdrasil (a massive tree) far away from the castle

  • We can see that Nami has defeated a giant bee thanks to Zeus attack. Zeus asks Nami where are they, Nami through tears says she doesn't know, last thing she remembers is they were on the Giants' ship.

Nami (crying): "Ahhh someone help me!! Luffy!! Zoro!! Sanji-kun!! I will even take Usopp at this point. Am I out of my mind!? I don't remember changing either!! Where is this place!? Am I in a dream!?

  • Nami sees something at the end of the hallway and then she hears Usopp's voice calling her. She runs there but trips on a LEGO block and falls to the ground (the floor is very bumpy). When Nami gets up, she sees a giant hedgehog in front of her

  • Nami runs away from the hedgehog. While she's trying to escape, Nami sees Usopp being attacked by a giant cat wearing a crown (Usopp wears viking outfit too, and a fake beard). So Nami and Usopp end up running away together from the giant hedgehog and cat in a courtyard in middle of castle.

  • However, Nami and Usopp decide that they must face that giant creatures, so Nami and Zeus attack the hedgehog with a thunder attack and defeat it. Unfortunately, giant hedgehog falls on giant cat's head and cat is electrocuted too. Giant cat is not KO and gazes furious at Nami and Usopp.

Nami: "I have a bad feeling about this!!"

Usopp: "Same here!!"

  • As they run away again, Nami asks Usopp if he has more information about what happened with them.

Nami: "Usopp,how much do you know about our current situation!?"

Usopp: "When I opened my eyes, I was already in this place!! You are probably the same, right!? We were on the giants' ship and getting drunk off of that..."

Nami: "That's right, that alcohol!! I think giant said it can make you hallucinate?"

  • Nami and Usopp stop because they reach a balcony. Usopp faces giant cat snice he thinks it's just a hallucination. However, giant cat is real and Ussop is sent blown away.

  • Nami and giant cat fall together too from the balcony into the castle back yard (where Usopp is after the giant cat attack). Suddenly giant cat transforms to a massive lion and attacks them one more time.

  • Nami cries while she uses Usopp's body as a shield, but at the last moment 3 guys arrive

Sanji: "For the crime of bringnig my loved one to the tears... you deserve 'death'!! Ifrit Jambe: Epaule Strike!!!"

Luffy: "Gear 4th! Gomu Gomu no Elephant Whip!!!"

Zoro: "Santouryuu: Kokujou Oo Tatsu Maki" (Three Sword Style: Black Rope Dragon Twister)!!!

Nami/Usopp: Gyaaaaaa!!

  • In an EPIC double spread, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji appear doing as combo attack to defeat the lion (that turns back into a cat when it's defeated). Double spread is nearly the same from Chapter 162 where Luffy, Zoro and Sanji defeated a Sandora Lizard (they even use new version of the same attacks).

  • Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are wearing viking outfits and capes: Luffy wears a helmet with long horns and has an axe on his back, Zoro has a mask on his eyes (looks like ski goggles) and Sanji has a word on his back (like Nami)

Zoro: "Huh? It turns into a cat now."

Sanji: "Nami-san, I've been so worried!"

Nami: "Sanji, I was so scared!! Usopp even died and..."

Usopp: "I am alive!! Damn you... I will get you back... for using me as a shield... Cough!!"

  • In the AMAZING final double page of the chapter, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Sanji are reunited with the castle back yard (we can see again the massive tree in the distance, probably the Yggdrasil). We discover that Luffy, Zoro and Sanji were the ones that defeated giant bees and "Ear God" rabbit at the beginning of the chapter..

Luffy: "The roasted rabbit we had just now was delicious!! Shishishi!! There are even bigger ones around here. Though I'll beat them all up if they taste good!

Zoro: "We should look for the sea and our ship first. We don't know what happened to our crew right now."

Sanji: "Since we are on the topic of food, the bees and hive you just sent flying... They're a great source of nutrients, you know?!"

Nami (crying in shock): "How are you guys already used to all this? Just where are we!?"

End of Chapter, BREAK next week. Jump cover and colored spread in Chapter 1128!