The Return to Sabaody Arc

The Return to Sabaody Arc (sometimes known as Straw Hats Return or Straw Hats Reunion Arc) is the twenty-fourth story arc in the series, and the first in the Fishman Island Saga of the One Piece series, continuing on from the Post-War Arc and the Summit War Saga. Set two years after the events of the Marineford Arc, this arc also marks the beginning of the second part of the series.

As all this goes on, Nami explains how coating works. Telling the crew it works against water pressure but the ship will no longer be buoyant. Once the floating bag is removed, the ship will sink. Franky then removes the bag and Nami order everyone to raise the sail much to Usopp's confusion. Though Robin explains that the underwater currents work like wind on a coated ship. Once Luffy is told they are ready to leave, he thanks the crew for putting up with his "selfish wish" for the last two years. With that the Thousand Sunny heads underwater. The crew on the Marine ship frantically try to get their captain to go after them but he too smitten by Hancock to notice. Luffy then gives the order to set sail and the Straw Hats, reunited after two years, continue their journey to the New World. Their next stop: Fishman Island!


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