
Yurnero the Juggernaut is a melee agility hero whose abilities allow him to sprint into battle and recklessly devastate enemies in an impenetrable flurry of blades. His abilities grant invulnerability and spell immunity, turning him into an unstoppable force on a hairpin. Juggernaut is strong both offensively and defensively, and deals heavy damage both physical and magical with his Blade Fury and Omnislash ultimate, but he possesses below average strength and intelligence attributes, so he does not have as much health and mana as other heroes and is vulnerable when his abilities are on cooldown. For this reason, although his abilities make him powerful even in the early game, he cannot charge into forces without restraint until farmed and is usually played as a carry.

No one has ever seen the face hidden beneath the mask of Yurnero the Juggernaut. It is only speculation that he even has one. For defying a corrupt lord, Yurnero was exiled from the ancient Isle of Masks--a punishment that saved his life. The isle soon after vanished beneath the waves in a night of vengeful magic. He alone remains to carry on the Isle's long Juggernaut tradition, one of ritual and swordplay. The last practitioner of the art, Yurnero's confidence and courage are the result of endless practice; his inventive bladework proves that he has never stopped challenging himself. Still, his motives are as unreadable as his expression. For a hero who has lost everything twice over, he fights as if victory is a foregone conclusion. Tangos and Healing Salves provide healing to keep Juggernaut alive in the lane. Clarity allows Juggernaut to regain mana from early usage of Blade Fury. Iron Branch gives +1 to all attributes, increasing survivability and mana pool. Because of Juggernaut's low mana pool, an early Iron Branch gives the possibility of casting both Blade Fury and Omnislash back to back. It can later be upgraded into a Magic Wand. Slippers of Agility gives Juggernaut additional damage, allowing him to get easier last hits and denies in lane. They can later be upgraded to a Poor Man's Shield.  Boots of Speed give a passive speed boost, offering better escape and catch-up. They can later be built into Phase Boots. Poor Man's Shield helps Juggernaut against harassment, and saves up space while retaining the +6 agility from the Slippers of Agility. Magic Stick is a useful burst healing/mana item if the enemies in lane cast many spells. It can later be built into a Magic Wand. Bracer gives a minor attributes bonus and builds into a drum later.

Phase Boots provide even more mobility with the Phase ability, and increases his damage significantly. The bonus movement speed is helpful when catching enemy heroes while using Blade Fury. Magic Wand is good for burst health and mana while providing bonus attributes compared to the Magic Stick. Drum of Endurance provides a great attribute bonus for its price as well as bonus movement speed and attack speed. It not only allows easier catch up when using Blade Fury, but the increased mana pool allows Juggernaut to cast Blade Fury multiple times before returning to the fountain. Aghanim's Scepter improves the number of  Omnislash jumps, vastly improves the ability to gank and participate in team fights. In addition, it also gives additional health and a significant attribute bonus. Town Portal Scroll are essential for cross-map transportation. TP scrolls allow Juggernaut to return to lane quicker after a death, meaning he misses out on less experience in the lane. They can also be used to quickly jump into a fight or defend a tower in a different lane. Sange and Yasha is a fair pick on Juggernaut, since he does not have any gap-closing abilities. This item provides a good strength, agility, movement and attack speed bonus and helps chase better. The Greater Maim helps slowing down fleeing enemies. Maim can even occur while attacking during Blade Fury, despite attacks dealing no damage. Butterfly gives an enormous boost to his damage, attack speed, and armor, as well as having the ability to evade physical attacks. It greatly increasing the physical damage Juggernaut can take, while Blade Fury protects against the magical damage. The increased attack speed also allows Blade Dance to occur more frequently. Desolator reduces the target's armor, increasing the damage from Juggernaut's regular attacks and Omnislash. It can also be effective for pushing since this effect works on towers. Battle Fury is an item that can be very strong to buy: it can be used to farm quickly, clear lane creeps, and it can greatly increase Juggernaut's damage in team fights. The bonus health regenaration is helpful when jungling, and the bonus mana regeneration allows Juggernaut to use Blade Fury with less worry about mana. Vladmir's Offering is a handy item to have for supporting the team, granting several bonuses including lifesteal. This is also an effective way to sustain in the jungle. Black King Bar is helpful when the enemy team has more magical damage than Blade Fury can protect. Unlike Blade Fury, the Black King Bar also allows Juggernaut to attack while active, and has a maximum duration of 10 seconds.


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